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HomeHealthWhat happens to the body if you eat yoghurt every day?

What happens to the body if you eat yoghurt every day?

Yoghurt, which is a versatile dairy product, enjoys widespread love due to its creamy texture and tangy flavour. It makes for a delicious addition to meals, snacks, and even desserts. Beyond its taste, yoghurt also has numerous health benefits. It is packed with probiotics, protein, and other essential nutrients. As such, it has become a staple part of many people’s diets.

But should yoghurt be consumed every day? And what happens to the body if you include it in your everyday diet? We reached out to experts to know more!

According to Dr Mahesh Gupta, senior consultant, medical gastroenterology, Dharamshila Narayana Superspeciality Hospital, Delhi, eating yoghurt every day can have several potential benefits for your body.

“It’s a good source of probiotics, which can promote gut health and aid digestion. It also provides calcium, protein, and essential vitamins,” he said.

Agreeing, Dr Shivani Deswal, clinical lead and senior consultant, pediatric gastroenterology and hepatology, Narayana Superspeciality Hospital, Gurugram added that yoghurt can boost the immune system and even improve mood and cognitive function.

yoghurt Yoghurt aids in digestion (Source: Getty Images)

“The only vitamin that yoghurt doesn’t contain is vitamin D. Calcium supports strong bones and teeth, while protein helps with muscle maintenance and repair. The B vitamins in yoghurt play crucial roles in metabolism and energy production,” she said.

According to Dr Deswal, yoghurt may also assist in weight management due to its high protein content, which makes you feel full and reduces overall calorie intake. “Moreover, it’s a convenient snack option and can be part of a balanced diet.”

Considering these benefits, one may include yoghurt into their daily diet but should keep their dietary needs and preferences in mind. “If you enjoy yoghurt and it fits into your balanced diet, it can be a healthy addition. Just be mindful of portion sizes and choose plain or low-fat varieties when possible,” Dr Gupta said.

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Experts emphasised that overconsumption of yoghurt might lead to excessive calorie or sugar intake. Thus, moderation is key.

Keep the following dos and don’ts in mind, according to Dr Gupta:

*Choose plain yoghurt without added sugars or artificial flavours.*Check the expiration date to ensure freshness.*Consider yoghurt with live probiotic cultures for gut health.*Don’t rely solely on yoghurt for all your nutritional needs; vary your diet.*Don’t consume yoghurt if you’re lactose intolerant or have dairy allergies.*Don’t overconsume yoghurt; moderation is key to a balanced diet.

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