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HomeLifestyleBaby From Kashmir Fights A Rare Disorder; Needs Crores To Live!

Baby From Kashmir Fights A Rare Disorder; Needs Crores To Live!

When baby Ameem was diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy-Type 1 as an 11-month-old infant, his parents, Afroza and Sahjad, had no idea of the battle ahead of them. 

“Words fail me when I describe the happiness we felt when I held my Ameem for the first time. When my wife was pregnant, we were dreaming of a life with our baby. Now, with him here, we were living our happiest dreams. But then…”  recalls Sahjad, the poor father.

Soon the happy parents noted that something was amiss. Their baby had stopped moving his limbs. It seemed like the weight of his arms and legs was too much for the boy to bear! The scared parents took him to various doctors hoping for answers. 

From Jammu and Kashmir to Delhi, the parents came a long way looking for answers. At Rainbow Children’s Hospital, they learned their baby was suffering from one of the deadliest diseases called Spinal Muscular Atrophy-Type 1.  

Save Ameem. Donate Now!

Save Ameem. Donate Now! Save Ameem. Donate Now!

Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a genetic (inherited) neuromuscular disease that causes muscles to become weak and waste away. People with SMA lose a specific type of nerve cell in the spinal cord (called motor neurons) that control muscle movement. Without these motor neurons, muscles don’t receive nerve signals that make muscles move. 

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“Our world shattered when the doctors informed us of what the disease might do if we didn’t get his treatment done on time. We had barely gotten over the shock of his diagnosis when we learned that he needs treatment that costs several crores!” says the poor father. 

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Save Ameem. Donate Now! Save Ameem. Donate Now!

With every passing day, the signs of this disease are becoming more evident in the poor baby. He cannot move his legs nor can he sit up without any support. He often has trouble breathing and swallowing food. Without treatment, it will soon claim his life. 

The doctors say that the only way to save baby Ameem is with a drug called Risdiplam that costs ₹ 2 crores (subject to change). Sahjad is a salesman in a small shop. He earns enough to feed his family but affording crores is impossible for this poor man. 

Save Ameem. Donate Now! Save Ameem. Donate Now!

“With no other option left, we decided to start a fundraiser on ImpactGuru to raise the amount needed to save our Ameem’s life. But the amount is very high. Kind donors have helped us raise around ₹50 lakhs so far but the fight is far from over. We still have a long way to go,” says Afroza, the poor mother. 

SMA is causing irreversible damage to baby Ameem’s muscles which can only be stopped with timely treatment. With this campaign, the poor parents aim to raise the funds needed to save baby Ameem’s life before it is too late. Please donate generously towards this fundraiser and help ensure that this baby gets a chance to live. 

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With you by their side, this amount can be raised very easily.  

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